Monday, October 27, 2008

I am making this jean blanket, i started it over a year ago. I am pathetic but i am determined to finish it before it gets freezing out. I can't wait, it will be so warm for the winter. I really need some more jeans though so if any of you have a pair that you are just going to di I would love to take them off your hands. :) Oh and ya i am selfish and making it for myself. . . My family has all asked me who i am making it for.


jayni & ben said...

Cute Ann. I didn't know you were doing that. I am excited to see the final project. Lets go to the Temple again.

Cristi Benedict said...

Totally make it for yourself! You slaved over it, you deserve it!:) By the way, my sister's hair look fabulous! You did an amazing job! I think she looks good as a brunette. She checked into the MTC last week and it was way sad. I haven't gotten a letter yet, but I'm sure she's doing fine. Anyway, the blanket looks great!

Emily said...

Cute quilt. I have tons of jeans stashed away in the back of my closet--if you come to Virginia you can have them all! :)

Dan and Heather said...

i would love to learn how to actually sew! isn't that awful?! congrats on the wedding and everything, it's been awhile!!

Sabrina and BJ said...

Way to go Ann!! That is quite the accomplishment.. I made one of those one time and swore I would never again.. I totally understand why it's taking a year but you better hurry cause the cold weather is already here..

Jobi Niu said...

Ann! So cute! I should do something like that with my free time huh??

Carly said...

Haha you arent selfish...but I know how you feel! I was knitting a baby sweater and everyone would ask who's baby I was makin it for, or if I was pregnant. I was just makin it for one of my kids in the future. People didnt really know what much to say after that.
Im glad I found you on here!

MEREDITH said...

I love this! Did you ever finish it? I totally have jeans if you need them! BTW, Carrie Underwood was so much fun, I am so glad you came! Although my face is starting to get fat, our pic is cute!