Erik loves Florida ever since he served his mission there. He was so excited to wake up early and go walk along the beach before we went to the ship. He was in heaven when we found these I tried doing a pull up, but you don't want to see that pic!

Just leaving Miami! Wohoo

They had a harry chest competition on one of the days at sea. How weird is that guys white hair on the top of his chest and dark on the bottom? Rotten too might I add!

The slide was pretty fun until the end and you get ocean water up your nose. . . was not expecting that!

We had chocolate cake every day and then ordered it almost every night for room service. Along with an ice cream cone every time i walked by that stupid machine. And lots of other yummy food, it was fantastic! Definitely worth the 5 pounds I gained!

Check out the most jacked up fork ever that Erik got! Megan this one dominates all the ones you have ever gotten. Ha ha

Waiting for the comedy show to start

Amber and I had to wear pants and jackets every night cause they keep the ship so freezing! I couldn't even wear any of the cute clothes I brought :(

What a beautiful sunset!

"hum. . . should i get the melting chocolate cake again? Definitely! "

Dress up night! I love it but Erik couldn't wait to change.
We rode on this boat to what it felt like the middle of the ocean to a sand bar. with tons of sting rays everywhere. It was unreal how shallow, clear and blue the water was! I was in heaven until the sting ray swam its nasty, slimy body through my legs! I screamed like a little girl, it was pretty funny everyone was staring at me! I thought they would be just like fish when you snorkel. . . swim away from you. But nope!

check out all the stingrays! You can really tell how clear the water is in this pic.

Our tour guide made us all kiss the sting ray for 7 years of good luck!

Check out the tour guides dreads. . . I swear they were past his butt!

Amber's first try kissing it! She totally got rejected, it whipped her in the face!

Much better!

I was so scared even holding it but I finally got over it!
Funniest pic, it looks like I am smelling it or something. . .Erik sucks at taking pics. I promise I really did kiss it!

How amazing is that water?!
After that we went to Seven Mile beach and just relaxed.
I had so much fun with my sister, except for when I made her cry! I was doing her hair one night and burnt her face with the curling iron. Really? you would think i knew how to use a curling iron.