Saturday, June 20, 2009

Vegas Baby!!

A bunch of us Dyson girls went to the Las Vegas hair show. It was a lot of fun. . . espically since i have never been to one. We learned a few new things. . .
but mostly just saw some funky nails, lots of crazy cool hair
a spray painted man. But the best part of all. . .
we got our makeup done
glitter toes. . .
relaxed in an amazing massage bed. . .
got our hair did!!
and layed out at the pool!!
It was definitely a lot of work. . . and no play!!


Monica said...

Yeah that looks like pretty hard work haha

jayni & ben said...

Andrea I freakin love you. You are sooo stinkin cute. Looks like a lot of fun. But some crazy people :D

Racheal said...

Wow! Try to do things with those nails. Talk about definetly using a tissue to blow your nose.

But it looks like you guys had alot of fun

Cristi Benedict said...

SOOO COOL!!! I'm jealous!!! That's the best type of hard work ever!

Jobi Niu said...

How fun! I want to go. You guys are HOTTIES... :]

Kristi said...

HOW FUN! I miss all you ANDREWS girls!

melissa said...

Wish i could have come would have been fun.