Wednesday, September 24, 2008


all the girls took my mom out to chillis for her birthday. . . i ate like two bites of my dinner to save room for the chocolate cake they have there. it is my favorite :) as you can see the plate scraped clean and tons of take home boxes. me and my sister amber gave my mom and kelsey, since kelseys birthday is next month, tickets to. . . . . . .
the dancers were amazing. i just wish we were front row that would have been awesome to see them up close. my favorite dance was the door one. . . if you ever watched the show you will remember it.
Who looks more like my mom. . . i cant decice
we ran into . . . . twjayni. . . i dont know how she spells it but thats what she calls herself. isnt she so hott! i am a little jealous
. . . and jobi!
we were in the dancing mood afterward so i told kel to do her best dance move. . . this is all she gave me. but it was still way cooler than mine.
it took us forever to get this pic cause i kept falling. thats pretty sad how bad i suck
we had so much fun!! i just love hanging out with my sister, and my mom she loved it i was so happy she was there!


jayni & ben said...

Ann look at you... You even beat me putting up so you think you can dance pictures. Good JOb! You guys look like you had so much fun. Happy Birthday girls. Love ya:]

Terry and Amber Andrews said...

Sounds like so much fun. We wish we could have been there for Vickie's B-Day. We can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving.

Andrea Ingersoll said...

Your such a goog blogger now days. I love it. That looks like so much fun. I can't tell you how jealous I am. I am a super big so you think you can dance fan and the door dance is also my favorite!! It totally gets me going...

Megan said...

yess i loved that door dance too. That is so fun you got to go. my favorite dancer out of them is Katie. She gives me chills when she dances... aw i'm so jealous you got to go!

The Robinson's said...

i am so super jealous! would have made my life to go!!!

Kristi said...

just thinking about So You Think You Can Dance gets me in the dancing mood...too bad i can't dance! What a fun birthday outing (chili's & the concert!)

Cristi Benedict said...

I'm so jealous!! I would have loved to have gone to that concert! What a great b-day gift. Looks like you all had a lot of fun! said...

ann i freakin love you so much! i am so lucky to be your sister, that was the BEST present EVER!!!! you are so skinny in every picture and i am a big round face. thanks for everything! i can't wait til i am as good as you in everything... hair, wifeness, spiritual, friendship, and looks and more!!!