Wednesday, September 17, 2008

since my husband is to busy with homework me and shan went on a date. . . we went to kneaders and then to the south jordan temple. i am so glad i have an rm around to get me to go cause i love going!! so i did have to give her a few dating tips since i was her first since shes been back. we were just starting to eat our food and she called on me to say the prayer. i about died i was laughing so hard. she was dead serious and so i told her i would say it in my mind since there was a million people around. she is such an returned missionsary, i just love her. i told her that she probably shouldn't call on her next date to say the prayer, she might not get a second one. . . but you never know.


Andrea Ingersoll said...

Hahah that is so funny. Return missionaries are awesome. That's so cute of you two! That's how I'm feeling lately with Austin. I need to start dating my friends. Great Idea.

Penn and Kass said...

that is so funny! You guys are cute friends!

The Robinson's said...

i need to date my friends too... husbands... what do you do with them? ha ha shann would do something like that so funny!!!

Monica said...

I love that she called on you to pray haha that's fun that you were able to go to the temple together! I love going to the temple so much! It's amazing!

Sarah Hunt said...

Leave it to our beloved Shanna! what a sweetie!