Tuesday, November 25, 2008


i made erik come see twilight with me on sat night. I know you are all jealous that i have my own vampire at home. . .
all my sisters and mom went and took our husbands. they said they liked it ok but i felt really bad when all the 14 year olds were screaming. But I LOVED IT!! if anyone hasnt seen it, you need to, even if you didnt read the book


Penn and Kass said...

I love the first picture! So funny. We went to it last night! Loved every minute of it!

The Robinson's said...

i haven't seen it yet, but want to so bad... and ps so jealous you went to Carrie Underwood!!!!! she is amazing!

Carly said...

i loved it too!! I have known lots of people who havent read the book but LOVED the movie. I cant wait for new moon! Next time I come in we'll have to discuss :)

melissa said...

I loved the movie and i love your vampire pic.

Terry and Amber Andrews said...

Ann send me your email address so I can invite you to our blog. I just made it private. boomboomwalker@yahoo.com

Monica said...

I want to see it sooo bad! I probably won't get around to it until after finals. Stupid school! It was fun to see you the other day! I'm always surprised to see so many people I know when I get my hair done haha