Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Tree!

I put this up a few weeks ago, it was my first time putting up a tree. And thanks to my sister Amber it was free! And pretty much the only one that would barley fit. Thank you Rachel (my cousin) she made me that tree skirt for my wedding. I had no idea it took so long to decorate but it was fun. Erik thinks decorating is unnecessary in an apt, but he will plug in the tree at nights when i forget so i know he likes it :)


Monica said...

Looks great! We just barely got our tree and it probably won't be decorated until the week of Christmas because of stupid school haha

Racheal said...

How cute is your tree. I am so glad that you have a blog. Now we can see you all the time.

I hope you both have a merry Christmas

jayni & ben said...

Cute Andrea. It looks really good and is tall and skinny just like you haha. I put ours up. Makes me so happy when I wake up and Ben has turned it on in the mornings. I love Christmas :)

Jobi Niu said...

Ann.. CUTE TREE! That's funny that he does that. THanks for your help last night.. her hair turned out alright. She wanted it a lil lighter.. ugh. WHATEVER! That's why I jsut need to come work in the salon with you guys huh?? :]

Emily said...

Cute tree, Ann. And of course you have to decorate in an apartment! Merry Christmas!

Sabrina and BJ said...

I think it is so cute!! How could you have your first christmas without a christmas tree.. I think you did a great job.. I made bj do the same allthough he never turns it on.. we just never turn ours off.. anyways.. I'm with you on twilight.. I thought it was amazing..