Sunday, January 4, 2009


This is my sister amber playing the piano for us on new years eve. . . backwards. It was so creppy! I can't believe her hands can do that
I am so glad you guys came up for the holidays! It was really good to see you

We always make Erik play with my nephews while we cook so they don't annoy us
Cute little lilly! I want a little red head like her. . . one day
I have to do addi's hair every time i see her, cause she just looks so cute!

We had such a fun new years with our only friends. . . since they are the only ones who live up here. The food was amazing, definitely worth the price!

our chef was kind of boring compared to some of them but it was still way fun!
How amazing is this picture?


Cristi Benedict said...

Looks like you had fun! The holidays are the best. I love your fun posts.

Monica said...

That picture is amazing! How did you capture that? You couldn't plan to catch a better shot!

Kristi said...

How fun! I can't believe Addi...she looks so grown-up! And, I LOVE Tepanyaki! Great pictures!

Sarah Hunt said...

Kristan looks like a pro! :) So is lilly Brookes baby then? You have the cutest nieces and nephews. I love Addi's hair! you will be such a cute mom! I hope your holidays were awesome! :)

jayni & ben said...

How fun. You four are such cute little friends. But me and Ben want to be a part of your friend group. haha. I miss your family. I loved seeing all the pictures of them.

Emily said...

Loved the pictures of all the family! You're all so cute--even Brooke's family chomping away ;) Looks like you all had a great holiday. (Oh, and Amber should NOT be able to do that with her hands.)

Jobi Niu said...

OK first off her playing the piano.. SO CREEPY! I just love your family, was it awesome talking to your bro on Christmas? CUTE CUTE neices and nephews. Addi's fetching hair... my goodness! New YEars looks fun, I LOVE Timpanyaki, that picture of Kristan catching the shrimp, NO WAY.. SO tight.