Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sleepover and Easter

We had a big bbq and easter egg hunt at my parents on sunday. I just love spending time with my family

I was helping Lilly who just started walking, she is so cute! I hate that she lives in Vegas

Mikayla got the most eggs. . . btw i cut her hair off and it is so cute on her

Addi just kept finding all the eggs that Conner dumped the candy out of and put back. . . it was hilarious

These are all my nieces and nephews. . . and two more on the way!


Emily said...

So nice of you to take Amber's kids! As a mom I can say that is the very best present EVER!! And two more on the way? Amber and...?

Racheal said...

That sounds like a fun Easter, and 2 babies on the way.

Which sister is it- Brooke, Kelsey, Amber A.- It can't be you because than it wouldn't be a niece or nephew unless you are going to call your kids that ;) And it can't be Amber unless she is suprising us with Twins so that just leaves the other 3- mmmm Which one could it be?

Megan Hilgenberg said...

um, pretty sure i love your shoes. oh yeah, and dyson is huge...i can't believe it.

Emma said...

Who is having number two on the way?

Jobi Niu said...

How fun! How cute are your neices and nephews?? I love that picture of you and your sisters.. Awww... HOTTIES :]