Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shanna's Shower!

Jayni and I threw a bridal shower for our friend Shanna. We all had so much fun!! I am so excited for you to get married Shan and I hope you are all set for your wedding night ;)

Jayni put robin egg on her lips so of course. . . we all had copy her. Don't we look hott!

Cedar brought her cute lil sis Dani, we were so glad she came!

Shanna Playing the ? game. . . she obviously didn't do that well


jayni & ben said...

You beat me to it. ha ha. You got better pictures than me. I had so much fun with you girls.

The Robinson's said...

we are the best people ever! i had a great time and sure do love our "talks" we always end up having! lol! love you

Cristi Benedict said...

I love your style. So hott!:)

Megan Hilgenberg said...

i'm so sad i missed it...stupid school