Thursday, January 29, 2009

I finally did it!

I know . . . everyone cuts their hair after they get married. But it was time, i was so bored. I have had long hair forever!! Plus Erik thinks its hott :)


Andrea Ingersoll said...

Gorgeous. Love. Hot.

Terry and Amber Andrews said...

I don't think you even cut your hair. The second pic looks a little like Kelsey. It's all a conspiracy so that Grandma Ruth will never be able to tell you two apart. J/K looks great.

jayni & ben said...

I am not going to lie... I am SHOCKED!! I can not believe you cut it. I love it :] Good choice. You are sooooo cute. I miss you.

Sarah Hunt said...

OMG! i don't believe it ! remember how you just told me you were never going to cut a week ago??? looks so beautiful! nicely done! :)

Jobi Niu said...

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE it! You're a fetching hottie.. the bangs... LOVE

MEREDITH said...

Totally Hot, I love it!

The Robinson's said...

wow ann!!! i am so proud of you!! i can't believe you cut if off! (i'm sure you have heard taht alot!) but it is so cute i love it! you are HOT!

Monica said...

So fun! I need to chop mine off again soon. And dye it :) so I'll probably see you at work!

Emily said...

Really cute! I like Terry's comment--Grandma is so funny. ;)

Cedar, Chris & Annistyn said...

Love it! I gotta say I didn't think it would ever happen but you are a Hotti Bagotti!

Cristi Benedict said...

You look good with both short and long hair! Too HOTT! And if hubby thinks it's hott too, then your set! I'm due for a cut soon too. I'll call ya soon! You're the best!

Kristi said...

I LOVE IT! You look so cute!

Emma said...

Son of a freaking biscuit!! My heart stopped for about 20 second there! I do love the hair!! The bangs are hot and the length is great! One day I will be hotter than day...