Monday, February 16, 2009


We have to combine the birthday celebrations in out family now since it is getting so big! We all had dinner and root beer floats at Amber's last night and it was so fun! So Happy Birthday to Amber

Little Kyle
Addi. . .
And BJ!

Addi looks so innocent in this pic, but don't be fooled she smacked me in the face 1 second before that! She is definitely in her terrible two's but we just have to laugh cause she is so cute!

Dyson got cornrows. They are so cute on him! But he does look like a little thug. . .

He has to wear a nylon on his head when he sleeps so they don't get all fuzzy and so kyle and Dyson were having way to much fun with it. We were laughing so hard!

Kyle totally looks like a sumo wrestler!


Sarah Hunt said...

oh my I just love Addi! I laughed when you said she smacked you ...I mean its not funny...but it is. I still can't believe you cut your hair! but so glad you were brave because it is adorable!

Sabrina and BJ said...

oh my gosh.. you cut your hair.. I can't believe it.. you looks so much older.. it's so weird.. your one crazy girl.. I'm not one to talk cause I change my hair all the time but I can't believe you cut it..

Terry and Amber Andrews said...

Wish we could have been there, it looks like it was alot of fun.

Kristi said...

I LOVE your family!...great pictures! Happy Birthday to all of them...and how does your hair ALWAYS look so perfect! It is so dang cute!

Racheal said...

That's fun. I love birthdy parties. said...

sorry addi is little 2 year punk! but she loves her aunt annie! you are the best i just get super stoked about working forever with you! love ya tons little sister