Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Draper Temple

We went to the Draper Temple open house on Monday. They have you park at a church down the road and you ride this bus up to see it. It was a really pretty ride looking over the valley. The temple was so beautiful, don't ask me why i didnt take a pic of it. I am so mad at myself for it. Everyone should go see it, there is amazing murals on the walls and it just defferent than any other temple. So Beautiful

We went to lunch after at my brother Terry's favorite place. JCW's we were sad you weren't there. We had so much fun!


Monica said...

I liked going because it's different once you've seen what work is done in temples :) Makes it even more memorable! I love that every temple is so beautiful and so unique yet they all serve the same purpose. The church is so true! I love it!

Jobi Niu said...

I want to go to that really bad! I heard it is so beautiful?? Gotta love some JC dubs too.. :] It was really good to see ya the other day! You're so cute! Love ya girl